My Big Love.

It's Her.

I'm a Human

Radiohead - No




You have to thank these guys for making such a fugly skin .
Designer is CRUSHthespeaker .
Designer's blog is here .
Host is obviously blogger .
About today

Monday, May 11, 2009 8:39 PM

Yikes Im coming down with a fever today... At first my temperature was 37.9. Teacher says go and rest. Then as I was doing my literature paper, I felt dizzy and weak. Then went home straight after the paper. Took another round of temperature. This time 38.2. Sheesh... and worse, tomorrow's science. Haizz.. I really wanna finish all my papers. And not only am I sick, so's Syahir. He's temperature's 39. God... How am I gonna sit tomorrow.. Aiyooooh... Okay all I need is to calm down. Im sure by a few rests, everythings gonna be fine.


Dry your tears with Love

Saturday, May 9, 2009 4:54 AM

Sometimes music lyrics do make sense. Even if its from a different language. I just realised that life has lots of consequenses. And all types of them. Fun, hard, happiness, sadness, anger, shocking and even hear-taking. I learnt this through listening to touching musics. I don't know why I learn through this unusual. I guess it's because it just runs through me. But thats not the point. What Im trying to say is, we, as humans, should Never give up. There Will be some way to change our lives. No matter how hard, how sad or how heart-broken or how long it has to be, there Will be a way to change your lives. Even if it takes a month, a year, a decade, or even a millenium. If you are a child with a divorced parents, don't cry. Ligthen up. There will be someone by your side to guide you. And that someone will light your way to a better place. And all that someone needs is Love and all you need is Believe. If you Believe that someone can help you, Love will overcome your sadness. And you will be to a better place. If you think Love is not the answer, supposingly your trail with someone you love has ended, in other words break-up, don't be sad. Yes you have been through lots of fun times and the memories can never leave your mind. But don't leave the memories. Keep it in your heart instead of your mind. Your heart is the main thing. It holds Everything, including your life. So let Everything that you've done be in your heart. Because Love is the answer towards Everything. And I don't mean love as in relationships but love as in Friendships. Rely on your friends. Friends are always there by your side. There are billions of people in the world who are willing to be your friend. Don't always rely on your partner. If you think your friends have problems towards you, find out why he or she is doing it. If he or she refused to tell you, then let him or her be. You will find the answer eventually, without failing. If someone special were to leave you, he or she hasn't Entirely left you. He or she is still there, Deep in your heart. Because your Love towards him or her is much too strong and nothing will ever break the line. Let this be a lesson to everyone. Love is always the answer. And as I had mentioned earlier, not the Love in relationships, but Love between Friends and Family and those who mean alot in your life.


Happy Birthday To Me!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 10:46 PM

Heello friends!! Im 14 today!! yaay! Last night, when the clock strucks 12, Hayati messaged me! And followed by rinny and so on. I got present from Rinny Umairah and Sazliyana. All are my bestfrens. Ahmad brought me a present a week before my bday haha. He bought me a tamiya... its a little toy car but i dont really know how to play it... still its better then nthing. right? haha. Ain told me she wanna give me a belated gift. Oh im so excited!! huhuhu... But unfortunately, not many people know its my brithday today... so, not many gift hehe... but its okay. All i ever wanted from my friends are just to wish me. :) Im no money face. Hah. OH btw! Yesterday at around 2245 hours- 2330 hours, my WHOLE buildingwent blank EXCEPT my house... and it was so freaking scary man... I mean, I live at the tenth floor and the whole block was dark except my house.. scary man... and i waited and waited then at around 2345, the lights were on. Now thats something u dont see everyday... Now lets sing a Birthday song!!

Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Me! Happy Birthday to Mee! Happy Birthday to Me!!!



Friday, May 1, 2009 3:42 AM

Okay. Now I havent been updating for sometime have I... yikes... exams are a real bugger aren't they. Now one bad thing is... exams starts at my BIRTHDAY. Thanks to them MOE I don't have time for celebrations! And even worse... it ends on my SISTERS BIRTHDAY! She and her luck! Now all them days are gone. Thats one blimey hell of a time Im gonna have aren't I. Ahhh.. Now there's nothing much to say apparently my friends. I wanna councel people... but so far none approached me... now councelling is fun im tellin' ya. No doubt about it. If you need help, appraoch me alright. Im always there when at need and when people needs help. Okay? Okay. Now... well that should be about it. Bye!!

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